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Quick Interest Checks

297written posts
flareearned bits
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rp is supposed to be fun, remember
Basically this is a small thread where people post the sites they would like to make rather than the ones they would like to see and others upvote depending on the interest. In the "sites i'd like to see" it is possible for other people to grab an idea they like and try to make it come to life. On the contrary to that, this is more like "sites i'd like to make" so that it gives a small heads up, gauge the interest quickly before fleshing out the idea. 

As an example, you have the idea of a Bleach site but you want to see how many people would quickly be interested, before writing the entire plot & opening up a fully blown IC for it but also don't want the idea to get snatched, then you can use here.

I think it would work best if you posted one idea per post so that it would be clear what people liked as opposed to a bunch of ideas together.
585written posts
nox, the HR department
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Silky! Avatar

I think there's decent buzz for this. I've got lots of good ideas & pre-brainstormed content to pitch. Plus I've got super muse for it.

I've got some original concepts drawn that have been compared to BNHA a lot. If you gather a staff team and would like someone to help with ideas & concepts, hmu! o7
pronounshe + him
157written posts
Gonzoearned bits
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Gonzo Avatar
it has, truly, been a roundabout path...
if i got the help i'd totally make a jojo's rp. it's just so insane, weird, and dare i say: BIZARRE. i'd love to see one, most likely an au version and non-canon. while conducting multiple plots in different eras would be weird, i wouldn't be opposed to it with a solid and dedicated team. if not, something diu/jojolion based (just set in a general area, like morioh) or a steel ball run-like story would be the go-tos for the setting.
last edit on Aug 2, 2018 18:51:39 GMT by Gonzo
189written posts
troye saivonearned bits
troye saivon
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we feel it with our whole body and soul
so when it comes to magic some of my favorite iterations generally revolve around magic being bound to some sort of figure (gods, demons etc.) and one of my favorite things about bleach was kido because i always imagined that kido came from spiritual beasts and gods.

in fact my favorite webtoon, kubera, has a rather good magic system (but this is just me spreading around the one true gospel that is kubera).

anyways, i've always played around with a thought of a bleach setting focused in the soul society in a feudal era (?). or some sort of era where demons and what not weren't just taken with a grain of sort. and in this setting the shinigami are in their formative years, let's say at the very start.

im talking about a soul society where souls live under gods, in fear of gods, rampant spiritual creatures; basically a lawless world and here come the shinigami. they aren't worried about hollow, about maintaining balance between the worlds, fuck all that its about amassing power and gaining control.

that would essentially be the premise, and the site would be heavily shinigami focused. site events would just be something like monster hunter (not that i know what monster hunter is about bc ive never played) tbh. just shinigami with their zanpaktous against the gods, beasts, hollow and even the odd number of humans.

anyway this is just a setting for bleach that i would like to see (or do myself) because it breaks the mold of a standard au and plays more on the fantasy aspect of the setting. noble houses? nope, rise up and form your own. kido? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. go out and seal a beast's move or some shit. love? FOREVER AND EVER, go 4 it.
last edit on Jul 31, 2018 6:32:08 GMT by troye saivon
185written posts
❀ Veeearned bits
❀ Vee
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I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream that can’t come true

A slice of Life RP in Proboards is what I am trying to work on currently. I only have a few things written down on paper...

I think that the setting would be in a fictional city which has a famous high school on the outskirts .. giving a chance to RP as students and adults as well..

Anyone want a part in it ? If yes then please drop a message on here or on discord Queenofhearts#2287

In search of staff for F&S, Please DM me here or on Discord bangtantraash#4741
28written posts
aniearned bits
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I'm in the middle of creating a Pokemon RP with influences from D20 systems. It's going to include skills, some very minor player stats, visible progression, and lots of extras. I've pulled aspects from Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Fantasy Life, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon so far.

You can run around as an adventurer, seeking out new heights, or own a farm outside a quaint town and work toward becoming a rich entrepreneur that runs for mayor against the NPCs. The plot is largely focused around a region wide scavenger hunt being used to boost tourism and immigration, then expands out to look more at tourism and the clash between traditional people of the region and the new age folk trying to change it. If anyone's interested at all, hit me up in the DMs. I've already got a couple others working on it with me!
255written posts
UMUearned bits
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I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
I've always wanted to make a multi-genre mmo rp.

Like the kind of mmo rp that you can unlock a new world within the rp to explore. like say we start with a fanatasy based world - after a certain world event, a new server would open... and it would be science fiction. or maybe even gothic? as such, popular series could become their own game worlds!

It would probably require a solid staff team with time and a solid member base, but just imagine the possibilities. I've already got a few ideas on certain things ( like a flexible fc system but that's a can of worms ) + I need a cat herder since I'm a literal human cat. oups.

Even have the name. Nexus Online.
pronounshe + him
157written posts
Gonzoearned bits
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Gonzo Avatar
it has, truly, been a roundabout path...
i feel like a site of reimagined characters from literature (literature being used pretty liberally to allow more writings) and fairy tales could be suuuuuper cool!

seeing characters like dorian gray, holden caulfield, faust, snow white, jane marple, the girl from the snow queen story (did she even have a name?) and whoever else recreated would be really fun and interesting to see? each character would have their own goals and aspirations to follow (like jane marple being an amateur detective and holden caulfield just trying his best tbh). i guess the best way to explain it would be a pandom site but instead of persona and danganronpa characters you'd see just storybook characters.

the setting could be either wonderland or the real world, but the surreality of wonderland really gravitates me towards that but hey, nothing is set in stone. i feel like wonderland would allow for more events and an overarching plot regarding the ruling of wonderland and all the crazy stuff that could happen there? maybe a rebellion could start up or something? a real-world setting could also have events but would have way less focus on an overarching plot or on the world itself, heavily focusing on character interaction.

if you'd be interested in helping w/ this (or even the jojo one i posted earlier and should have put a something like this there too oops) just pm me here or on discord (gonzo #5927) as i'm still very interested in both ideas. if both get a decent amount of support i might have someone take the mantle of leading one but would still work on both.
last edit on Aug 6, 2018 21:48:16 GMT by Gonzo
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
Going to repost this

I would still love to finish Daily Departed. I have a lot of the concept work planned out alongside systems and plot. However, all I'd need is someone who could actually run it alongside me. I'm totally cool with planning concepts, writing out ideas, etc but my biggest downside is wording and cleaning up my brainstorm. It's based on Hellper on Webtoons if that draws anyone in!!

Here's the plot.
Upon death, you receive a ticket on your wrist. If it is white, you are lead to Heaven or Rebirth. However, if it is black you are sent to Hell. You are one of the departed issued with a black ticket, cursed to remain in the Underworld as a Ghost.

Not all hope is lost. It is not eternal damnation that awaits, but a different set of dangers entirely. Reapers patrol the area to eliminate any Ghosts that step out of line. Even the refuge of Middle Towns -- where Reapers are prohibited to set foot inside -- is rife with its own problems, as though the exhaustion of living continues to haunt you after death.

There is a purpose to some Ghosts, who refuse the judgement handed to them. It is said that if you accumulate one hundred tickets, it will result in a white ticket, granting you passage to Heaven or Rebirth. Will you climb out of Hell, or will you be another of the daily departed?

50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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I'm bad at explaining myself and I'd be surprised if anyone vibes with this but here goes.

I've been trying to scratch an itch. A high fantasy plot-focused rp with over-the-top action and a LOT of world building. I've always wanted one of those classic fantasy worlds where your character could use powerful magic, awaken slumbering beasts, search for forbidden scrolls, discover ancient ruins etc.

I considered using Fairy Tail as an inspiration but doing away with all the whacky humor and (bad) story-elements. I love the series' premise, a world filled with powerful magic and mysteries, but I loathe the execution. It's too cartoon-ish and the story loses itself in badly written, shoe-horned plots and trope-y characters. I want to try and bring consistency to the story. I plan on incorporating several ideas from Fairy Tail rp's of the past, but also do away with what didn't work (or was annoying to me).

I want to focus on letting members create characters with powerful magic and giving them a playground where the characters actually get to use this magic. DnD-style plot progression would trigger certain events based on a how and where members rp. I also want character progression to feel organic and meaningful without losing sight of their significance to the story. And rather than having these huge overarching plots and events, create numerous smaller storylines where certain factions or groups can run riot so everyone can have their character do something meaningful.

I'm still not entirely sure if I wouldn't just depart from the source completely and just use its focus on magic as a building block, but I'll spare you guys from me going to go into detail. I basically just want to see if people would be interested in seeing a Fairy Tail inspired, high fantasy arcane powers roleplay with mature themes and a coherent story.
last edit on Aug 9, 2018 0:29:25 GMT by mavroh
62written posts
meleearned bits
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I have two and a half ideas floating in my head I'd like to make eventually in the not so distant future.

I'm not sure if this would be considered stealing, but I saw a site a whiiiile back that was aimed at being a small apartment au? I never joined the site or saw it, but I loved the site's concept. Basically what I had in mind was creating a site that focused on a small apartment complex. All of the characters are meant to live in the complex and the site would be centered upon relationships between the neighbors, roommates, and whatnot. There wouldn't be much of a site plot because plots would be meant to be made between characters. I always wanted to join a site that focused primarily on character building.

Following that first idea, it'd be cool to have a site like that but focusing instead upon dorm life at a university? You have people that basically dorm together by force or not. They have to deal with homework, exams, part time jobs, clubs, etc. And like the previous idea, they have to deal with roomies, neighbors, people on the floor above, etc. Just give me that character building environment, yo.

My second idea is a soulmate-esque site that focuses on more than just romance. Following the red thread of fate, there would be other threads that connect people. For instance, blue threads would indicate a lifelong great sadness, yellow threads would mean lifelong/future great happiness, and black would be lifelong great conflict. While most of society are not aware of the strings, there would be a few that can see them and choose what they want with the information they see.

But aaaaa they're all just foggy ideas atmmmmm